** Experienced Sales Executive**

With this year set to be another year of strong growth, it’s an exciting time for experienced, professional, sales people to join us. Ray White Forest Lake are looking for dynamic and enthusiastic individuals who have a passion for Real Estate to join the team and become Sales Executives.
Is this you?
- Capable of utilising an advanced vocabulary to describe, explain and market a product when communicating with a prospect;
- Can efficiently base your decisions on numerical data and can communicate these data easily to clients and prospects;
- Active and can focus on several sales objectives at a time;
- Will use a direct approach to selling but will also appreciate the more subtle aspects of sales negotiation;
- Motivated by the opportunity for personal contact with clients and prospects. You often enjoy selling in a team environment;
- Prefer accomplishing your work without the red-tape of specific sales procedures. You’re creative;
- Tend to question the agenda of those with whom you negotiate a sale but can express confidence in making the sale once your doubts have been alleviated;
- Consistently respond to client’s needs in a timely fashion and make quick decisions under pressure;
- Willing to stand up for your agenda in a sales situation;
- Perform best when provided minimal structure and given the room to make decisions independently without their sales manager micro-managing their activities;
- Most successful when provided ample information to make objective decisions yet are capable of relying on intuition when necessary.
Because that’s how most successful sales people are ‘hard-wired’. And they earn significant six-figure incomes.
Don’t be fooled… a career in real estate sales is not ‘easy-street’. The hours are long, the effort high and the market is fiercely competitive. But for those with the drive, persistence and self-discipline the rewards are ample.
Be a dream-maker and live yours!
Email your resume to Ray White Forest Lake, Attention: Alanna Email: alanna.ngo@raywhite.com