THERE is no real reason why spring should be a better time to sell than any other season.
Logic should suggest that during the winter months, when the most people are in town, is when you would get the most interest.
The property market in south-east Queensland this winter has been as sporadic as the barometer. There were some cold patches but there has also been some bloody hot weeks.
So the question is, how’s spring looking and will it be a hive or a dive?
This winter activity is giving people a lot of confidence that spring is shaping up to be true to form as the seasonal performer.
Over the last two weeks I have spent time with agents in Townsville, the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Brisbane.
The first question I always ask is, ‘Would you say there are more buyers than sellers in the market currently?’
This allows me to take an easy read on the condition of the market.
If there are more buyers then prices are on the rise, if there are more sellers then prices are flat or on the decline.
There were three resounding ticks in the positive and one cross.
Townsville is still the market where sellers outnumber buyers.
There are currently around 3200 properties for sale.
I personally think Townsville is a good place to buy.
There has been an increase in numbers at open houses thus activity tends to proceed market movement.
Townsville won’t stay down forever.
The average price is around $300,000 and yields can be found between 5-7 per cent per annum.
You’ll have to be prepared for a long term hold, but for an affordable investment I love Townsville.
On the fun side of the ledger Brisbane, the Gold and Sunny Coasts are all reporting good numbers at opens and strong competition.
The Sunshine Coast was one of the hardest hit markets post-GFC and all those people looking to buy must be kicking themselves that didn’t do it two years ago.
Interest is trickling its way down the southern coast too.
Starting at Sovereign Island, prestige sales are building on the Gold Coast with a number of $4 million-plus sales taking place and the southern end of the coast is now hotter than the sand on Sundays.
The Queensland market as a whole is clearly moving at two speeds.
There is a massive hangover in regions that are still hurting from the resources sonic boom that took place post-GFC.
However, for almost everyone else the results have been great since they announced the election outcome.
I’m referring to number of sales, competition between buyers and in some markets the actual prices have been higher than expected.
This news will only add comfort to those homeowners considering a spring sale and we expect a big wave of property to hit the market ready to be served to a building pack of hungry buyers.
Sourced: Courier Mail: Haesley Cush, News Corp Australia Network