Ray White Forest Lake’s ‘Little Ray of Giving’ is over for 2015. It brings tears to my eyes when we see how big everyone’s hearts are when giving at this time of the year. 2x huge lots of deliveries this past week have gone out. We all thank you so much! Alanna & Thanh Ngo & the team at Ray White Forest Lake smile emoticon
The kindness from our local community has been wonderful in presents being dropped off to our office. A huge THANK YOU to AllStars Performing Arts in Forest Lake for the wonderful donation of $1,000. All the children raised these funds, the generosity from their hearts is amazing!
A huge thank you for the Rotary of Forest Lake for a $200.00 donation & assistance with the Uniting Church of Forest Lake for the delivery of all the gifts for the children.
Emails of gratitude already:
** I am writing to thank you & your members for the kind donation of children’s toys this Christmas season. The presents were gratefully received by our community members. **
** Can I just say that I was amazed today when A… and I arrived to pick up a ‘present’ for little M. We were so surprised that there was a present & a package of yummy Xmas food. What a lovely gift for the family. **
** I would like to thank you, your team & the wonderful people / companies who donated items to make this happen. This brought the spirit of Christmas to both A and I today. The kindness of people never ceases to amaze me. **